Our series on building Connect Four with Vue.js continues by setting up automated deployment to Amazon S3 with CircleCI and the command line tool s3deploy
Programming for the web
In this post for the Building Connect Four with Vue.js and Phoenix series, we'll implement an algorithm for detecting four-in-a-row with JavaScript and display the results to our Vue.js components.
Continuing our series on building Connect Four with Vue and Phoenix, we'll use Vue transitions and a third party library to animate the SVG checkers falling and bouncing into place when added to the game board.
Continuing our Connect Four series, we will take a look at converting a static HTML representation of a Connect Four board and add functionality and dynamic rendering with Vue.js.
An application of the technique of SVG pattern transparent to render a Connect Four board with transparent portholes.
In this post, we describe the challenges we faced while replacing the Rails asset pipeline with webpack, how we solved those issues, and what we learned along the way.
This tutorial shows how to use Rails::Generators::TestCase to test drive your own Rails generators
This tutorial shows how to make a Progressive Web App on Rails using the serviceworker-rails gem
Starting a new web application? Take a good look at Elixir which can help scale with the needs of a business and still be really fun to use.
Sending push notifications in Ruby or Node.js on the open web using the Voluntary Application server Identification (VAPID) protocol.
A tutorial for writing a CasperJS script to fill out a Google Form, which is also available now as an npm package called "form-to-terminal"
In which we talk about how N+1 queries allow Rails developers to opt for Russian Doll caching to address performance bottlenecks.
Recent changes to the sprockets-rails gem adds the ability to silence asset request logging in Rails 5
This blog post describes how to set up a simple demonstration of the Web Push and Service Worker JavaScript APIs to send notifications to users from a Ruby on Rails application.
This post demonstrates how to integrate the Service Worker Javascript API with the Rails asset pipeline to precache and render an offline page for your Rails application when visitors have no network connection.
This blog post describes how to integrate JavasScript for the new Service Worker API into Ruby and Rails applications that use Sprockets for the Rails asset pipeline.
Use the "bundle config" command to develop against local Ruby gems instead of following the typical advice to specify the :path option in your Gemfile.
Described how I added a Service Worker script to rossta.net with some considerations concerning cache-busting strategies and deployment
Explaining how to integrate the webpack asset management tool with the Ruby static web framework Middleman
Comparing mathematical, iterative, and recursive solutions to the Snake Case challenge posed during the Ancient City Ruby Conference
A thread pool is an abstraction for re-using a limited number of threads for performing work concurrently to save resources
Hanami (formerly Lotus) is a newish Ruby framework for building web applications. Here's a few things I learned about it coming from Rails.
Implementing the Clojure sequence functions, iterate, with Ruby's Enumerator to emulate sequences
Montrose is an easy-to-use library for defining recurring events in Ruby. It uses a simple chaining system for building recurrences, inspired heavily by the design principles of HTTP.rb and rule definitions available in the Recurrence gem.
Bringing a fresh perspective and Ruby's Enumerator to revisit an old post on using Ruby to write a simple web crawler