How to write a simple web crawler in Ruby - revisited
Crawling websites and streaming structured data with Ruby's Enumerator
Let's build a simple web crawler in Ruby. For inspiration, I'd like to to revisit Alan Skorkin's How to Write a Simple Web Crawler in Ruby and attempt to achieve something similar with a fresh perspective.
We'll adapt Skork's original goals and provide a few of our own:
- must be able to crawl just a single domain
- must be able to limit number of pages to crawl
- the results should be represented as structured data so we don't have an incomprehensible soup of content
- the results should be enumerable so we can have flexibility in how they're handled
Breaking it down
For this exercise, we're going to crawl Programmable Web to extract data from their API directory.
Rather than take the naive approach of grabbing all content from any page, we're going to build a webcrawler that emits structured data. Traversing from the first page of the api directory, our crawler will visit web pages like a nodes of a tree, collecting data and additional urls along the way.
Imagine that the results of our web crawl as a nested collection of hashes with meaningful key-value pairs.
# results
name: "Google Maps",
api_provider: ""
api_homepage: ""
categories: ["Mapping", "Viewer"],
provider_formats: ["JSON", "KML", "XML"]
name: "Twitter",
api_provider: ""
api_homepage: ""
categories: ["Social", "Blogging"],
provider_formats: ["Atom", "JSON", "REST", "RSS", "XML"]
Designing the surface
If you've been following my posts lately, you know that I love Enumerable and you may not be surprised that I'd like to model our structured, website data with an Enumerator. This will provide a familiar, flexible interface that can be adapted for logging, storage, transformation, and a wide range of use cases.
I want to simply ask a spider
object for its results and get back an enumerator:
=> #<Enumerator: ...>
We'll be able to do some interesting things, like stream the
results lazily into a flexible storage engine, e.g. mongodb or PStore
available from the Ruby standard library:
require "pstore"
store ="api_directory.pstore")
# create `spider`, then ...
spider.results.lazy.take(50).each_with_index do |result, i|
store.transaction do
store[result[:name]] = result
Writing the crawler
We're going to write a Spider
class to enumerate website data. Our spider implementation borrows heavily from joeyAghion's spidey gem, described as a "loose framework for crawling and scraping websites" and Python's venerable Scrapy project, which allows you to scrape websites "in a fast, simple, yet extensible way." Both resources achieve the goals of being easy-to-use and extensible.
We'll build our web crawler piece-by-piece, but if you want a full preview of the source, check out it on GitHub.
Our Spider
will maintain a set of urls to visit, data is collects, and a set of url "handlers" that will describe how each page should be processed. We'll take advantage of one external dependency, mechanize
, to handle interaction with the pages we visit - to extract data, resolve urls, follow redirects, etc. Below is the #enqueue
method to add urls and their handlers to a running list in our spider.
require "mechanize" # as of this writing, the latest release is 2.7.4
class Spider
def enqueue(url, method)
url = agent.resolve(url).to_s
return if @handlers[url]
@urls << url
@handlers[url] ||= { method: method, data: {} }
def agent
@agent ||=
As we process each page we'll need a way to record the structured data we extract from various pages. We'll expose a #record
method append a hash of data to the @results
class Spider
def record(data = {})
@results << data
Since our Spider
will only know how to enumerate urls and record data, we'll introduce a collaborator object to contain the implementation for consuming data for a specific site. For now, we'll call this object a "processor". The processor will respond to the messages #root
and #handler
- the first url and handler method to enqueue for the spider, respectively. We'll also provide options for enforcing limits on the number of pages to crawl and the delay between each request.
class Spider
MAX_URLS = 1000
def initialize(processor, attrs = {})
@processor = processor
@urls = []
@results = []
@handlers = {}
@interval = attrs.fetch(:interval, REQUEST_INTERVAL)
@max_urls = attrs.fetch(:max_urls, MAX_URLS)
enqueue(processor.root, processor.handler)
Enumerator Two Ways
Now for the real meat of our young Spider
. The #results
method is the key public interface: it enumerates the enqueued urls and yields members of the @results
class Spider
def results
return enum_for(:results) unless block_given?
index = @results.length
enqueued_urls.each do |url, handler|
# process url
@processor.send(handler[:method], agent.get(url), handler[:data])
if block_given? && @results.length > index
yield @results.last
index += 1
# crawl delay
sleep @interval if @interval > 0
def enqueued_urls do |y|
index = 0
while index < @urls.count && index <= @max_urls
url = @urls[index]
index += 1
next unless url
y.yield url, @handlers[url]
An interesting thing to note is that the size of our url queue and the collected results may be growing as we crawl more pages. For the #enqueued_urls
private method, we're using an Enumerator
to wrap the logic for iterating over the list of @urls
and maintaining state, like the index
. The Enumerator
class is well-suited to represent a lazily generated collection.
def enqueued_urls do |y|
# ...
I find it to be a more expressive way to indicate we're enumerating values "on demand" as opposed to "eagerly", like a typical collection.
Notice we're also returning an enumerator from #results
def results
return enum_for(:results) unless block_given?
# ...
This technique provides the method caller to more flexibility when determining
how to handler the results. While you could pass a block to consume the
results, e.g., spider.results { |r| puts r.inspect }
, this is an eager
operation. We'd have to wait for all the pages to be processed before continuing
with the block. Returning an enumerator offers the potential to stream results
to something like a data store.
Why not include Enumerable
in our Spider
and implement #each
instead? As pointed out in Arkency's Stop including Enumerable, return Enumerator
instead, our
class doesn't itself represent a collection, so exposing the #results
method as an enumerator is more appropriate.
From Soup to Net Results
Our Spider
is now functional so we can move onto the details of extracting data from an actual website.
Our processor, ProgrammableWeb
will be responsible for wrappin a Spider
instance and extracting data from
the pages it visits. As mentioned previously, our processor will need to
define a root url and initial handler method, for which defaults are provided, and delegate the #results
method to a Spider
class ProgrammableWeb
attr_reader :root, :handler
def initialize(root: "", handler: :process_index, **options)
@root = root
@handler = handler
@options = options
def results(&block)
def spider
@spider ||=, @options)
will define handler methods that deserialize a web page into additional urls and data to add to our collection of results.
Our spider will invoke the handlers (as seen above with @processor.send(method, agent.get(url), data)
). Each handler method will have the following signature
def handler_method(page, data = {})
# enqueue urls and/or record data
... where page
is an instance of Mechanize::Page
(docs) providing a number of methods for interacting with html content:
The root handler method, ProgrammableWeb#process_index
, will extract api names in the
index list, enqueue api detail pages and additional, paginated indexes. As data
is collected, it may be passed on to handlers further down the tree via
def process_index(page, data = {})
page.links_with(href: %r{\?page=\d+}).each do |link|
spider.enqueue(link.href, :process_index)
page.links_with(href: %r{/api/\w+$}).each do |link|
spider.enqueue(link.href, :process_api, name: link.text)
To process api detail pages, we'll define a separate handler. Since these pages
will represent "leaves" in this exercise, we'll merge the data passed in with
that extracted from the page and pass it along to Spider#record
def process_api(page, data = {})
fields ="#tabs-content .field").each_with_object({}) do |tag, o|
key ="label").text.strip.downcase.gsub(%r{[^\w]+}, ' ').gsub(%r{\s+}, "_").to_sym
val ="span").text
o[key] = val
categories ="article.node-api .tags").first.text.strip.split(/\s+/)
spider.record data.merge(fields).merge(categories: categories)
As we saw earlier, recorded data is emitted in the Spider#results
Now we can make use of our ProgrammableWeb
crawler as intended with simple
instantiation and the ability to enumerate results as a stream of data:
spider =
spider.results.lazy.take(5).each_with_index do |result, i|
puts "%-3s: %s" % [i, result.inspect]
# 0 : {:name=>"Facebook", :api_provider=>"", :api_endpoint=>"", :api_homepage=>"", :primary_category=>"Social", :secondary_categories=>"Webhooks", :protocol_formats=>"JSON, REST", :ssl_support=>"Yes", :api_kits=>"", :api_forum=>"", :twitter_url=>"", :developer_support=>"", :console_url=>"", :authentication_mode=>"API Key, OAuth 2, Username/password", :categories=>["Social", "Webhooks"]}
# 1 : {:name=>"LinkedIn", :api_provider=>"", :api_endpoint=>"", :api_homepage=>"", :primary_category=>"Social", :secondary_categories=>"Enterprise", :protocol_formats=>"JSON, JSONP, REST, XML", :other_options=>"JavaScript", :ssl_support=>"Yes", :api_forum=>"", :twitter_url=>"", :console_url=>"{"framework":"","frameworkurl":"","apikey":&quo", :authentication_mode=>"OAuth 2", :categories=>["Social", "Enterprise"]}
# 2 : {:name=>"Skype", :api_provider=>"", :api_endpoint=>"", :api_homepage=>"", :primary_category=>"Telephony", :secondary_categories=>"Chat, Messaging, Video, Voice", :protocol_formats=>"Unspecified", :other_options=>"Skype proprietary", :ssl_support=>"Yes", :api_kits=>"", :api_forum=>"", :developer_support=>"", :authentication_mode=>"Unspecified", :categories=>["Telephony", "Chat,", "Messaging,", "Video,", "Voice"]}
# 3 : {:name=>"Twitter", :api_provider=>"", :api_endpoint=>"", :api_homepage=>"", :primary_category=>"Social", :secondary_categories=>"Blogging", :protocol_formats=>"Atom, JSON, REST, RSS, XML", :ssl_support=>"No", :api_kits=>"ActionScript", :api_forum=>"", :twitter_url=>"", :contact_email=>"[email protected]", :console_url=>"", :authentication_mode=>"OAuth 2, HTTP Basic Auth, OAuth", :categories=>["Social", "Blogging"]}
# 4 : {:name=>"YouTube", :api_provider=>"", :api_endpoint=>"", :api_homepage=>"", :primary_category=>"Video", :secondary_categories=>"Media", :protocol_formats=>"Atom, RSS, JSON, XML, GData", :other_options=>"Atom Publishing Protocol (Atom/RSS)", :ssl_support=>"No", :api_kits=>"Java, PHP Python, Ruby, ActionScript", :api_forum=>"", :twitter_url=>"", :developer_support=>"", :console_url=>"", :authentication_mode=>"OAuth2", :categories=>["Video", "Media"]}
Wrapping up
I admit, it's arguable that this implementation is "simple". Skorks provided a straightforward, recursive solution to consume unstructured content. Our approach is iterative and requires some work up front to define which links to consume and how to process them with "handlers". However, we were able to achieve an extensible, flexible tool with a nice separation of concerns and a familiar, enumerable interface.
Modeling results from a multi-level page crawl as a collection may not work for every use case, but, for this exercise, it serves as a nice abstraction. It would now be trivial to take our Spider
class and implement a new processor for a site like or craigslist and stream the results to a database like Redis or YAML::Store
Try it yourself and let me know what you think of this approach (full source).