Ruby 2.3 introduced a couple new additions to the Enumerable API that provide some nice variations on existing methods
Programming for the web
Prior to Ruby 2.2, debugging stack overflow errors can be painful because most of the backtrace is swallowed in the output. Learn a quick workaround with Kernel.set_trace_func.
Leveraging RSpec metadata to control how specs are run with examples for altering database mode and toggling behavior based on spec directory
Extracting data from an API can get messy once pagination is involved. We'll look at a few ways of dealing with this complexity, including "recursive each" and Kernel#to_enum method to enumerate paginated resources
ActiveRecord will try hard to infer the inverse relation for your associations, but you may benefit from setting the inverse_of option wherever possible
Generating Pascal's Triangle as an Enumerable sequence with Ruby's Enumerator.
Wrap algorithms in Enumerable or Enumerator to have them behave like infinite collections.
You may not be using enough of the Enumerable API or doing enough with Enumerator.
You may not be using enough of the Enumerable API or doing enough with Enumerator.
Exchanging feedback doesn't have to be painful
Hacking on a smarter ruby console
Push important files to the cloud with s3cmd and cron
Helpful techniques for serving static assets from a website
Helpful hint for dealing with a common Capybara limit
Moving my blog to a static website tool hosted on GitHub
Deploying a static site Ember app on Heroku
A brief intro to Backbone.js for a team brownbag at ChallengePost
Learn how to use RSpec metadata to add declarative ways to toggle features like Rails caching during test runs
More thoughts on refactoring large model classes in Rails
Thoughts on refactoring large model classes in Rails
Notes on a recent Lean Startup meetup in NYC
A useful technique for upgrading ERB templates in Rails 3
Test an eventmachine server-client socket connection with rspec
Applying Ruby to heuristics-based solutions to NP-hard problems in computer science
Entry in the 10K Apart Contest to build a web-based app in less than 10kb of javascript