To give you some idea about what a geek I am, when Saron asked me to fill out a form to submit blog posts to the CodeNewbie Newsletter, I thought, "what if I could automate that?" I happen to spend a lot of time in a terminal and thinking about webpage interaction, so...

Instead of filling out the form for my last article, I ended up creating a tool to submit a Google Form from the command line. At its core, it's a CasperJS script available as an npm package. It's called form-to-terminal.

To use form-to-terminal, install it via npm and use the executable ftt along with a url to a Google Form url:

# Open a terminal and enter the following commands after the prompt ($):
$ npm install -g form-to-terminal
$ ftt [Google Form Url]

This assumes that you've already installed nodejs, CasperJS, and its pre-requisites.

Casper, the friendly ghost

CasperJS is actually just a wrapper around PhantomJS, which provides fully-featured API for interacting with webpages from JavaScript.

CasperJS makes this scripting more pleasant by providing some syntactic sugar for dealing with multi-stage interactions and waiting for asynchronous actions. In other words, I could've done this with just using PhantomJS, but the code I needed to write got a whole lot easier by using the CasperJS module on top of it.

A closer look

Let's look at some sample code. What follows are simplified excerpts from the form-to-terminal CasperJS script.

Given a url to a Google Form, first we start the webpage interaction, which waits to complete before moving to the next step.

var casper = require("casper").create();

casper.start(url, function() {

To provide the command line interface with some context, the script parses the page for the form title to display back to the command line.

var formTitle;

casper.then(function() {
  formTitle = this.evaluate(getFormTitle);

Next, we want to allow human interaction with each input one-by-one, so we parse the form for the text inputs and their labels so we can ask the user to enter answers back into the terminal using readLine:

var system = require('system');
var answers;

casper.then(function() {
  var page = this;
  page.echo("Please fill out " + formTitle);
  page.echo("----------------" + formTitle.length);
  answers = page.evaluate(getFormInputs)

  answers.filter(function(input) {
    return input.type == "text";
  }).map(function(input, i) {
    page.echo(""+(i+1)+") "+input.label+":");

    input.value = system.stdin.readLine();
    return input;

Awesome! Now we just need to pass the answers back to the webpage and submit the form. CasperJS makes it easy to do this with additional args to this.evaluate in the casper context:

casper.then(function() {
  this.evaluate(submitAnswers, {answers: answers});

Check out the full CasperJS script to see how form-to-terminal interacts with Google Forms in more detail.

Command line node

I wanted to make this work for others on the command line as an npm package. To get this to work, we have to understand that casperjs is already its own process. To make it work from node, I needed to spawn the casperjs while passing arguments from node. I also needed to make sure that the stdin stream is piped from parent (node) to the child (casperjs) process so that we our answers for the form inputs end up on the web page.

The key pieces of the command line tool are shown below:

const child = spawn('casperjs', ['index.js'].concat(urls));

child.on('exit', process.exit);

The urls represent the set of Google Form urls with which the CasperJS script will interact. The line process.stdin.pipe(child.stdin); ensures the text we enter on the command line is passed to CasperJS.

Going further

form-to-terminal (as of version 1.0.2) only supports Google Forms and only fully those with text inputs. It's likely quite buggy - for example, it doesn't currently check that you've filled out all required fields, nor does it check for validations errors after you've submitted the form - but, hey, it's a start. Go ahead and check it out on GitHub and contribute some improvements!

CasperJS is a fun tool for automating your workflow and worth a look for automated testing for web developers.

Of course, I submitted this post to the CodeNewbie Newsletter using form-to-terminal - how meta? It comes with a built-in shortcut to the CodeNewbie Google Form, so you can try it too:

$ ftt codenewbie

Discuss it on Twitter · Published on Sep 28, 2016

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