Discussion of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is catching fire in the JavaScript community, but amongst Rails developers... not so much.

Progressive Web App technology is still very young and rapidly churning; perhaps there's more reluctance on Rails teams to get onboard with new JavaScript APIs until they become more stable. Also, the Rails community hasn't had a clear path to integrating PWA technology—until now. In this post, we'll demonstrate how to turn your Rails app into a Progressive Web App using the serviceworker-rails gem.

What are Progressive Web Apps? Simply put, they are web applications that deliver mobile app-like experiences. For example, open web technologies are now making it possible for browser-based web apps to be:

Sound good? Let's get started.

Your first Progressive Web App on Rails

Eric Elliot recently posted a thorough overview of Progessive Web App requirements that's worth a read. Here's summary of what's needed:

Set up HTTPS

To enable HTTPS on our website, we'll need to decide for ourselves how to set up our web server depending on our hosting provider and deployment needs. Tutorials for setting up Heroku and Digital Ocean may be a good place to start.

We'll also want to force SSL settings in our Rails application configuration for our remote environments, i.e., production.

# config/environments/production.rb

Rails.application.configure do
  # ...

  # Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security, and use secure cookies.
  config.force_ssl = true

  # ...

We should be sure to test out this behavior on a secondary remote environment before going live in production as we'll want to be aware of hiccups like mixed content warnings and hard-coded non-HTTPS urls in our application.

Add a manifest and Service Worker

For this next step, we'll assume we're using the Rails asset pipeline. This is both helpful and presents a problem:

The Rails asset pipeline makes a number of assumptions about what's best for deploying JavaScript, including asset digest fingerprints and long-lived cache headers - mostly to increase "cacheability". Rails also assumes a single parent directory, /public/assets, to make it easier to look up the file path for a given asset.

Service worker and manifest assets must play by different rules. Service workers may only be active from within the scope from which they are served. So if you try to register a service worker from a Rails asset pipeline path, like /assets/serviceworker-abcd1234.js, it will only be able to interact with requests and responses within /assets/**. This is not what we want.

To address this issue, I created the serviceworker-rails gem (source). This Rails plugin makes it easier to set up your app to serve service worker scripts and web app manifests at canonical urls while taking advantage of the transpilation and interpolation features the asset pipeline provides.

To get started with serviceworker-rails, we'll bundle it with our Rails app.

Add the gem to the Gemfile:

# Gemfile

gem "serviceworker-rails"

Bundle the app:

$ bundle

We'll use the built-in generator from service worker rails to add some starter JavaScript files to our project and the proper configuration.

$ rails g serviceworker:install

The generator will create the following files:

It will also make the following modifications to existing files:

Of course, we could do this set up manually, but it may be helpful to run the automated install for our first attempt. If going manual, consult the serviceworker-rails README and my previous blog post on configuring the gem for more help during setup.

At this point, we've got all the boilerplate in place in our Rails app to begin adding Progessive Web App functionality. The great part is, we can pick and choose which features we want to add.

Here are few things you can try:

Going further

For more on grasping Service Worker fundamentals and developing offline solutions for the web, I highly recommend this free Udacity course:

You'll want to understand the Service Worker life cycle, which Jake Archibald treats in great detail:

For some open-source abstractions for implementing Service Worker fetching and caching strategies, checkout out SW-Toolbox and SW-Precache from the Google Chrome team.

Of course, we've only covered the getting started part of our journey with Progressive Web Apps. I've left out a lot of fun parts like decided how to implement caching strategies or send push notifications. Here are some resources to check out to take your PWA skills to the next level:

Rails 💜 PWA

Nothing about Rails is incongruent with Progressive Web App technology so there's no technical reason why we can't start introducing these features today. It's worth noting the choice to transition to PWA is completely orthogonal to whatever JavaScript MVC framework/module bundler/turbolinks decision you might be otherwise already tackling.

In the coming years, I believe it will become increasingly important to adopt PWA features to keep up with demand as more and more site visits will shift to mobile web.

Discuss it on Twitter · Part of the Service Worker series. Published on Nov 9, 2016

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