My team recently added a tagging feature to our web app. As the user types in the text input, the app supplies autocomplete suggestions from our database via javascript; a familiar UX. While backporting tags to existing records on the rails console, it hit me: "Why not bring tag autocompletion to the command line?"

The default rails console provides completion out-of-the-box though all the script does is start irb with the rails environment and irb/completion required.

# !/usr/bin/env ruby
require File.expand\_path('../../load\_paths', __FILE__)
require 'rails/all'
require 'active\_support/all'
require 'irb'
require 'irb/completion'

# from

Turns out that all irb/completion does is configure the ruby interface to the GNU Readline Library. This is done with the ruby Readline module. Readline accepts a proc that determines completion behavior by returning an array of string candidates given an input string triggered, typically, by pressing TAB.

From irb/completion:

if Readline.respond\_to?("basic\_word\_break\_characters=")
# Readline.basic\_word\_break\_characters= " \t\n\"\\'\`\>\<=;|&{("
  Readline.basic\_word\_break\_characters= " \t\n\`\>\<=;|&{("
Readline.completion\_append\_character = nil
Readline.completion\_proc = IRB::InputCompletor::CompletionProc

IRB::InputCompletor::CompletionProc is a proc that evaluates a large case statement of regular expressions that attempt to determine the type of given object and provide a set of candidates to match, such as String instance methods when the input matches $r{^((["']).*\2)\.([^.]*)$}.

To give Readline a spin, fire up irb and paste in the following example, borrowed from the ruby docs:

require 'readline'

LIST = [
  'search', 'download', 'open',
  'help', 'history', 'quit',
  'url', 'next', 'clear',
  'prev', 'past'

comp = proc { |s| LIST.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape(s)}/) }

Readline.completion\_append\_character = " "
Readline.completion\_proc = comp

There's nothing stopping us from taking this to the rails console to take advantage of our rails environment and even access the database. Building off the example, we can replace the hard-coded array with a list of tags plucked from a simple activerecord query:

require 'readline'

comp = proc { |s| ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.named\_like(s).pluck(:name) }

Readline.completion\_proc = comp

We have room for improvement. For one thing, this makes a new query every time you attempt to autocomplete. For a reasonable number of tags, we could load the tag list in memory and grep for the matches instead. There is still another problem; by replacing the Readline.completion_proc, we've clobbered the functionality provided by irb/completion. One approach would be to fall back to the IRB::InputCompletor::CompletionProc or add its result to the array of candidates. Given IRB has documented, incorrect completions (try completing methods on a proc) and no built-in support for extending completion behavior, this could get messy.

Enter bond, a drop-in replacement for IRB completion. It aims to improve on IRB's shortcomings and provides methods for adding custom completions. To take advantage of Bond in the console:

require 'bond'

Bond allows you to extend the strategies for autocompleting text with the Bond.completion method. To set up a Bond completion, we need a condition and an action; when the condition is matched, then the given action will determine which candidates are returned. Calling Bond.start will register Bond's default completions. For example, the following completion is triggered with the text for completion starts with a letter preceded by "::"; the search space is scoped to Object.constants.

complete(:prefix=\>'::', :anywhere=\>'[A-Z][^:\.\(]\*') {|e| Object.constants }

To add tag autocompletion whenever we start a new string, we could use the following:

include Bond::Search # provides methods to search lists

TAG\_NAMES = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.pluck(:name) # load tag names in memory

Bond.complete(:name=\>:tags, prefix: '"', :anywhere=\>'([A-Z][^,]\*)') {|e|
  tag = e.matched[2]
  normal\_search(tag, TAG\_NAMES)

Boom! Now we when autocomplete with some text inside an open double-quote, matching tags from the database appear on the console.

irb(main)\> "Face[TAB]
Face++                     Facebook Graph             FaceCash                   Facebook Graph API         FaceDetection
Facebook                   Facebook Opengraph         Facelets
Facebook Ads               Facebook Real-time Updates
Facebook Chat              Facebook SDK               Facetly
Facebook Credits           Facebook Social Plugins
irb(main)\> "Facebook", "Twit[TAB]
Twitcher          TwitLonger        Twitter           Twitter Streaming Twitxr
TwitchTV          TwitPic           Twitter API       TwitterBrite
TwitDoc           TwitrPix          Twitter Bootstrap TwitterCounter
Twitgoo           Twitscoop         Twitter Grader    Twittervision
Twitlbl           TwitSprout        Twitter Oauth     Twitvid

Even though we ended up leveraging an existing gem, digging into the Ruby standard library source code proved to be a useful exercise, revealing some simple ways to hook into features easily taken for granted.

Discuss it on Twitter · Published on Feb 5, 2014

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