Using Ruby's Enumerable module and Enumerator class
Exploring Ruby's Enumerable
Working with collections and sequences in Ruby
Enumerable - Why I Fell in Love with Ruby -
What the Heck is a Ruby Enumerator? Exploring Ruby Enumerators for fun and profit
Infinite Sequences in Ruby Treat your algorithms like enumerables with Enumerator
Pascal's Triangle with Ruby's Enumerator Pascals' Triangle as an Enumerable Sequence with Ruby Enumerator
Handling Paginated Resources in Ruby Wrap your paginated collections in Enumerable goodness
What's new in Ruby 2.3 Enumerable A closer look at Enumerable's grep_v and chunk_while
How to write a simple web crawler in Ruby - revisited Crawling websites and streaming structured data with Ruby's Enumerator
Recurring events in Ruby Introducing the Montrose gem
Clojure's iterate in Ruby Using Ruby Enumerator to emulate sequences
Ancient City Ruby Snake Case Comparing mathematical, iterative, and recursive solutions
Everything is Enumerated Using to_enum with block methods