Enumerator - Enumerable's Ugly Cousin In-Depth
Talk at Ancient City Ruby Conf, 2016
The Enumerator
class in the Ruby standard library is a powerful concept that
doesn't seem to get enough attention amongst Rubyists. This presentation takes a
close look at the fundamental ideas on which Enumerator is built along with some
practical takeaways for your daily work.
When and where:
- Arlington Ruby meetup, March 30, 2016
- Ancient City Ruby, April 7, 2016
Icons in this talk were created by the following talented folks:
- Abacus by anbileru adaleru from the Noun Project
- Gears by Dominik Minet from the Noun Project
- Loop by useiconic.com from the Noun Project
- cancel by ermankutlu from the Noun Project
- clock by Christian Shannon from the Noun Project
- documents by Simon Mettler from the Noun Project
- electric generator by lastspark from the Noun Project
- question-mark by Cris Dobbins from the Noun Project
- wave by mohit arora from the Noun Project